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final eight中文是什么意思

用"final eight"造句"final eight"怎么读"final eight" in a sentence


  • 前八强


  • He scored the final eight suns ' points of the period and opened the fourth quarter with their first four
  • He served on the high court of australia for 23 years , with the final eight years 1987 to 1995 as chief justice
    他在澳洲最高法院服务了23年,最后8年( 1987至1995年)一直担任首席法官一职。
  • He served on the high court of australia for 23 years , with the final eight years ( 1987 to 1995 ) as chief justice
    他在澳洲最高法院服务了23年,最后8年( 1987至1995年)一直担任首席法官一职。
  • " he didn ' t let the italians down . this penalty kick was an absolute one - off ! absolute one - off ! italy have made the final eight !
  • Ruud ' s debut campaign total was incredibly eclipsed in 2002 / 03 , scoring 25 league goals to inspire united to the title , with 13 goals in the final eight premiership games of the season
  • Ruud ' s debut campaign total was incredibly eclipsed in 2002 / 03 , scoring 25 league goals to inspire united to the title , with 13 goals in the final eight premiership games of the season
    路德在第一个赛季的进球数在02 / 03赛季中令人难以置信得被超越了,他打入了25粒联赛进球使曼联得到了冠军,其中包括在联赛最后八场比赛里打入的13粒进球。
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